
‘Cousin Fred’

18th September 2010 - although carefully planned, I’d neglected to mention to my parents
(Chris and John) that Fred would be joining the Hastings Diesel’s (HDL) English Electric Echo excursion for the round trip Boston to Skegness.

A pleasant family surprise that was repeated a year later on 10th September 2011 with HDL’s Midland Pioneer between Loughborough and Butterley!


18th September 2010 - Catching the train at Boston

Using just his walking stick and a rolled up
newspaper Fred bagged himself a Hastings unit!

Fred bags a Hastings unit.jpg


18th September 2010 - Arrival at Skegness

Chris, John and Fred suddenly realise they’d
left all their buckets and spades at home!

CJF 100918 HDL Skegness 047.jpg


“Skegness is so bracing”

On the station platform they have a statue allegedly of
Fred arriving off the first train in the summer of 1873.

Fred arrives at Skegness.jpg

Anyone who tries the station’s WC will quickly learn why Skegness is so bracing.


18th September 2010 - Family Reunion

Fred, Chris & John debate the merits of
the various fish & chip shops in Skegness.

Chris, John & Fred.jpg



18th September 2010 – Midland Pioneer

Fred with Brian, Chris & John at Swanwick Junction.

HDL Butterley 2011 Fred r.jpg




